open water swimmer, windsurfer,
aerial and astrophotographer,
amateur glider pilot.
Hi, I’m Can — pronounced as [ j aa n ] — born and raised by the Aegean Sea, I am a multi-disciplinary individual with a passion for many things that life has to offer. I strive to contribute and consume as much knowledge as possible and to experience as much as I can.
Technology plays a central role in my life, particularly digital transformation, bitcoin, decentralized finance and artificial intelligence. My engineering background contributes to my such interests and work in tech based fields. As a believer in self-sovereignty, I have been contributing to this industry since 2017.
My passion for astrophotography, open-water swimming, and aerial photography are all connected by a common thread: the desire to explore, understand and connect with the habitat around me. Astrophotography opens the door to the universe by letting me look up at the night sky and connect with the vastness of the universe. Open-water swimming has a similar effect, but in the opposite direction - it allows me to immerse myself in the ocean to connect with its inhabitants as I swim and gaze down. Aerial photography gives a bird’s eye overview of ourselves and the earth, to let me see the footprints & effects of our presence on the planet.
I am one of the co-founders of StellarXperiences which is a company focusing on custom-curated Astrophotography tours and lectures at various dark spots on Earth. StellarXperiences also collaborates with governmental and private organisations, raising awareness on astrotourism areas and dark sky reserves by emphasising the importance of preserving dark skies on our planet.
Although most of the work shown on this website were created purely for my own pleasure, I have also produced photography and videography based content for corporations like Microsoft in the EU.
Limited edition fine art prints of my photography are available for purchase.
contact me if you have any inquiries and enjoy your stay here.